Source code for einsteinpy.hypersurface.schwarzschildembedding

import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

[docs]class SchwarzschildEmbedding: """ Class for Utility functions for Schwarzschild Embedding surface to implement gravitational lensing Attributes ---------- input_units : list list of input units of M units_list : list customized units to handle values of M and render plots within grid range r_init : ~astropy.units.m """ def __init__(self, M): """ Constructor Initialize mass and embedding initial radial coordinate in appropiate units in order to render the plots of the surface in finite grid. The initial r is taken to be just greater than schwarzschild radius but it is important to note that the embedding breaks at r < 9m/4. Parameters ---------- M : Mass of the body """ self.input_units = [M.unit] self.units_list = [ * 10e22, u.m / * 10e22).value] M =[0]) self.M = M self.r_init = (((3 * self.M.value + 0.0001) / self.M.value) * u.m).to( self.units_list[1] )
[docs] def gradient(self, r): """ Calculate gradient of Z coordinate w.r.t r to update the value of r and thereby get value of spherical radial coordinate R. Parameters ---------- r : float schwarzschild coordinate at which gradient is supposed to be obtained Returns ------- float gradient of Z w.r.t r at the point r (passed as argument) """ R = r / np.sqrt(1 - (2 * self.M.value / r)) num_one = 1 - (3 * self.M.value / r) num_two = np.sqrt( ((4 * self.M.value * r - 9 * self.M.value * self.M.value) * R) / (r - 3 * self.M.value) ** 2 ) deno = np.sqrt(1 - (2 * self.M.value / r)) ** 3 return num_one * num_two / deno
[docs] def radial_coord(self, r): """ Returns spherical radial coordinate (of the embedding) from given schwarzschild coordinate. Parameters ---------- r : float Returns ------- float spherical radial coordinate of the 3d embedding """ return r / np.sqrt(1 - (2 * self.M.value / r))
[docs] def get_values(self, alpha): """ Obtain the Z coordinate values and corrosponding R values for range of r as 9m/4 < r < 9m. Parameters ---------- alpha : float scaling factor to obtain the step size for incrementing r Returns ------- tuple (list, list) : values of R (x_axis) and Z (y_axis) """ x_axis = [] y_axis = [] r_initial = self.r_init.value r_step = self.M.value / alpha z = 0 r = r_initial while r < 9 * self.M.value: x_axis.append(self.radial_coord(r)) y_axis.append(z) z = z + self.gradient(r) * r_step r = r + r_step z = 0 r = r_initial while r > (9 * self.M.value / 4): x_axis.append(self.radial_coord(r)) y_axis.append(z) z = z + self.gradient(r) * r_step r = r - r_step return x_axis, y_axis
[docs] def get_values_surface(self, alpha): """ Obtain the same values as of the get_values function but reshapes them to obtain values for all points on the solid of revolution about Z axis (as the embedding is symmetric in angular coordinates). Parameters ---------- alpha : float scaling factor to obtain the step size for incrementing r Returns ------- tuple (~numpy.array of X, ~numpy.array of Y, ~numpy.array of Z) values in cartesian coordinates obtained after applying solid of revolution """ r_initial = self.r_init.value r_step = self.M.value / alpha phi_values = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 60) R_values = [] z_values = [] z = 0 r = r_initial while r < 20 * self.M.value: R_values.append(self.radial_coord(r)) z_values.append(z) z = z + self.gradient(r) * r_step r = r + r_step R_values = np.array(R_values) R_values, phi_values = np.meshgrid(R_values, phi_values) X = R_values * np.cos(phi_values) Y = R_values * np.sin(phi_values) x_len = X.shape[0] Z = np.array(z_values) z_values = np.array(z_values) for i in range(0, x_len - 1): Z = np.concatenate((Z, z_values), axis=0) Z.reshape((X.shape[0], X.shape[1])) return X, Y, Z