Source code for einsteinpy.symbolic.schouten

from einsteinpy.symbolic.helpers import _change_name
from einsteinpy.symbolic.ricci import RicciScalar, RicciTensor
from einsteinpy.symbolic.riemann import RiemannCurvatureTensor
from einsteinpy.symbolic.tensor import BaseRelativityTensor, _change_config

[docs] class SchoutenTensor(BaseRelativityTensor): """ Class for defining Schouten Tensor """ def __init__( self, arr, syms, config="ll", parent_metric=None, name="SchoutenTensor" ): """ Constructor and Initializer Parameters ---------- arr : ~sympy.tensor.array.dense_ndim_array.ImmutableDenseNDimArray or list Sympy Array or multi-dimensional list containing Sympy Expressions syms : tuple or list Tuple of crucial symbols denoting time-axis, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd axis (t,x1,x2,x3) config : str Configuration of contravariant and covariant indices in tensor. 'u' for upper and 'l' for lower indices. Defaults to 'll'. parent_metric : ~einsteinpy.symbolic.metric.MetricTensor Corresponding Metric for the Schouten Tensor. Defaults to None. name : str Name of the Tensor. Defaults to "SchoutenTensor". Raises ------ TypeError Raised when arr is not a list or sympy Array TypeError syms is not a list or tuple ValueError config has more or less than 2 indices """ super(SchoutenTensor, self).__init__( arr=arr, syms=syms, config=config, parent_metric=parent_metric, name=name ) self._order = 2 if not len(config) == self._order: raise ValueError("config should be of length {}".format(self._order))
[docs] @classmethod def from_metric(cls, metric): """ Get Schouten tensor calculated from a metric tensor Parameters ---------- metric : ~einsteinpy.symbolic.metric.MetricTensor Space-time Metric from which Christoffel Symbols are to be calculated Raises ------ ValueError Raised when the dimension of the tensor is less than 3 """ if metric.dims >= 3: t_ricci = RicciTensor.from_metric(metric) r_scalar = RicciScalar.from_riccitensor(t_ricci, parent_metric=None) dims = metric.dims t_schouten = ( t_ricci.tensor() - (r_scalar.expr * metric.lower_config().tensor() / (2 * (dims - 1))) ) / (dims - 2) return cls(t_schouten, metric.syms, config="ll", parent_metric=metric) raise ValueError("Dimension of the space/space-time should be 3 or more")
[docs] def change_config(self, newconfig="ul", metric=None): """ Changes the index configuration(contravariant/covariant) Parameters ---------- newconfig : str Specify the new configuration. Defaults to 'ul' metric : ~einsteinpy.symbolic.metric.MetricTensor or None Parent metric tensor for changing indices. Already assumes the value of the metric tensor from which it was initialized if passed with None. Compulsory if not initialized with 'from_metric'. Defaults to None. Returns ------- ~einsteinpy.symbolic.schouten.SchoutenTensor New tensor with new configuration. Configuration defaults to 'ul' Raises ------ Exception Raised when a parent metric could not be found. """ if metric is None: metric = self._parent_metric if metric is None: raise Exception("Parent Metric not found, can't do configuration change") new_tensor = _change_config(self, metric, newconfig) new_obj = SchoutenTensor( new_tensor, self.syms, config=newconfig, parent_metric=metric, name=_change_name(, context="__" + newconfig), ) return new_obj
[docs] def lorentz_transform(self, transformation_matrix): """ Performs a Lorentz transform on the tensor. Parameters ---------- transformation_matrix : ~sympy.tensor.array.dense_ndim_array.ImmutableDenseNDimArray or list Sympy Array or multi-dimensional list containing Sympy Expressions Returns ------- ~einsteinpy.symbolic.schouten.SchoutenTensor lorentz transformed tensor """ t = super(SchoutenTensor, self).lorentz_transform(transformation_matrix) return SchoutenTensor( t.tensor(), syms=self.syms, config=self._config, parent_metric=None, name=_change_name(, context="__lt"), )