Introduction ============ This page gives a brief overview of some of the features of EinsteinPy. For more complete hands-on tutorials, please refer to the Jupyter notebooks in `Examples`_. .. _Examples: :py:class:`~einsteinpy.metric` Module ************************************* EinsteinPy provides a way to define the background geometry for relativistic dynamics. This geometry has a central operating quantity known as the Metric tensor, that encapsulates all the geometrical and topological information about the 4D spacetime. * EinsteinPy provides a :py:class:`~einsteinpy.metric.BaseMetric` class, that has various utility functions and a proper template, that can be used to define custom Metric classes. All predefined classes in :py:class:`~einsteinpy.metric` derive from this class. * The central quantities required to simulate the trajectory of a particle in a gravitational field are the metric derivatives, that can be succinctly written using Christoffel Symbols. EinsteinPy provides an easy-to-use interface to calculate these symbols for the predefined metrics. To perform calculations for general metrics, see the :py:class:`~einsteinpy.symbolic` module. * :py:class:`~einsteinpy.metric.BaseMetric` also provides support for ``f_vec`` and ``perturbation``, where ``f_vec`` corresponds to the RHS of the geodesic equation and ``perturbation`` is a linear Kerr-Schild Perturbation that can be defined on the underlying metric. Note that EinsteinPy does not perform physical checks on ``perturbation`` currently. Users should exercise caution while using it. ---- :py:class:`~einsteinpy.geodesic` Module *************************************** EinsteinPy provides an intuitive interface for calculating timelike and nulllike geodesics for vacuum solutions. Below, we calculate the orbit of a precessing particle in Schwarzschild spacetime. First, we import all the relevant modules and classes and define the initial conditions for our test particle, such as its initial 3-position in spherical coordinates and corresponding 3-momentum (or 3-velocity, given that we are working in geometric units with :math:`M = 1`). .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from einsteinpy.geodesic import Timelike from einsteinpy.plotting.geodesic import StaticGeodesicPlotter position = [40., np.pi / 2, 0.] momentum = [0., 0., 3.83405] a = 0. # Spin = 0 for a Schwarzschild black hole steps = 5500 # Number of steps to be taken by the solver delta = 1 # Step size After defining our initial conditions, we can use :py:class:`~einsteinpy.geodesic.Timelike` to create a Geodesic object, that automatically calculates the trajectory. .. code-block:: python geod = Timelike( metric="Schwarzschild", metric_params=(a,), position=position, momentum=momentum, steps=steps, delta=delta, suppress_warnings=True, return_cartesian=True ) print(geod) .. code-block:: python Geodesic Object:( Type : (Time-like), Metric : (Schwarzschild), Metric Parameters : ((0.0,)), Initial 4-Position : ([ 0. 40. 1.57079633 0. ]), Initial 4-Momentum : ([-0.97914661 0. 0. 3.83405 ]), Trajectory = ( (array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, ... 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499]), array([[ 1.03068069e+00, 3.99997742e+01, 9.58510673e-02, ..., -3.87363444e-04, 5.62571365e-19, 3.83405000e+00], [ 2.06136190e+00, 3.99987445e+01, 1.91699898e-01, ..., -9.48048366e-04, 1.12515772e-18, 3.83404999e+00], ..., [ 5.71172446e+02, 1.55983863e+01, 1.49940531e+01, ..., 1.65861080e-01, 3.12992232e-15, 3.83405010e+00], [ 5.72250940e+02, 1.55832138e+01, 1.52252617e+01, ..., 1.64780132e-01, 3.13183198e-15, 3.83404993e+00]])) ), Output Position Coordinate System = (Cartesian) )) We can also obtain a static plot of the geodesic using :py:class:`~einsteinpy.plotting.geodesic.StaticGeodesicPlotter`. .. code-block:: python # Use InteractiveGeodesicPlotter() to get interactive plots sgpl = StaticGeodesicPlotter() sgpl.plot2D(geod) .. image:: ./_static/precess.png :align: center ---- :py:class:`~einsteinpy.coordinates` Module ****************************************** EinsteinPy currently supports 3 coordinate systems, namely, Cartesian, Spherical and Boyer-Lindquist. The :py:class:`~einsteinpy.coordinates` module provides a way to convert between these coordinate systems. Below, we show how to convert 4-positions and velocities (defined alongside positions) between Cartesian and Boyer-Lindquist coordinates. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from einsteinpy.coordinates import BoyerLindquistDifferential, CartesianDifferential, Cartesian, BoyerLindquist M = 1e20 * a = 0.5 * # 4-Position t = 1. * u.s x = 0.2 * y = 0.15 * z = 0. * _4pos_cart = Cartesian(t, x, y, z) # The keyword arguments, M & a are required for conversion to & from Boyer-Lindquist coordinates _4pos_bl = _4pos_cart.to_bl(M=M, a=a) print(_4pos_bl) cartsn_pos = _4pos_bl.to_cartesian(M=M, a=a) print(cartsn_pos) # With position & velocity v_x = 150 * / u.s v_y = 250 * / u.s v_z = 0. * / u.s pos_vel_cart = CartesianDifferential(t, x, y, z, v_x, v_y, v_z) # Converting to Boyer-Lindquist coordinates pos_vel_bl = pos_vel_cart.bl_differential(M=M, a=a) print(pos_vel_bl) # Converting back to Cartesian coordinates pos_vel_cart = pos_vel_bl.cartesian_differential(M=M, a=a) print(pos_vel_cart) .. code-block:: python Boyer-Lindquist Coordinates: t = (1.0 s), r = (250.0 m), theta = (1.5707963267948966 rad), phi = (0.6435011087932844 rad) Cartesian Coordinates: t = (1.0 s), x = (200.0 m), y = (150.0 m), z = (1.5308084989341916e-14 m) Boyer-Lindquist Coordinates: t = (1.0 s), r = (250.0 m), theta = (1.5707963267948966 rad), phi = (0.6435011087932844 rad) v_t: None, v_r: 270000.0 m / s, v_th: -0.0 rad / s, v_p: 440.0 rad / s Cartesian Coordinates: t = (1.0 s), x = (200.0 m), y = (150.0 m), z = (1.5308084989341916e-14 m) v_t: None, v_x: 150000.0 m / s, v_y: 250000.0 m / s, v_z: 1.6532731788489268e-11 m / s You can also pass a ``einsteinpy.metric.*`` object to the differential object to set ``v_t``. For usage without units, see the functions in ``einsteinpy.coordinates.util``. ---- :py:class:`~einsteinpy.symbolic` Module *************************************** EinsteinPy also supports a robust symbolic module that allows users to access several predefined metrics, or to define custom metrics and perform symbolic calculations. A short example with a predefined metric is shown below. .. code-block:: python from sympy import simplify from einsteinpy.symbolic import Schwarzschild, ChristoffelSymbols, EinsteinTensor m = Schwarzschild() ch = ChristoffelSymbols.from_metric(m) G1 = EinsteinTensor.from_metric(m) print(f"ch(1, 2, k) = {simplify(ch[1, 2, :])}") # k is an index in [0, 1, 2, 3] print(G1.arr) .. code-block:: python ch(1, 2, k) = [0, 0, -r + r_s, 0] [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]] ---- Utility functions ***************** EinsteinPy provides a great set of utility functions in many of the modules which are frequently used in general and numerical relativity. * Utils in :py:class:`~einsteinpy.coordinates`, that allow: * Unitless conversion between coordinate systems for both position & velocity in the following systems: * Cartesian * Spherical * Boyer-Lindquist * Calculation of Lorentz factor * Calculation of timelike component of 4-velocity in any pseudo-Riemannian metric * Utils in :py:class:`~einsteinpy.geodesic` that can be used to calculate quantities related to the vacuum solutions, such as: * :math:`\rho^2 = r^2 + a^2\cos^2(\theta)` or :math:`\Delta = r^2 - r_s r + a^2 + r_Q^2` * Calculation of particle 4-momentum ---- Future Plans ************ * Support for null-geodesics in different geometries * Partial support is available for vacuum solutions since version 0.4.0. * Ultimate goal is to provide numerical solutions for Einstein's equations for arbitrarily complex matter distributions. * Relativistic hydrodynamics