base-metric module

This module contains the class, that defines a general spacetime. All other metric classes derive from it. It has methods, that can be used as utility functions. Users are recommended to inherit this class to create user-defined metric classes.

Docstring for module

This module defines the BaseMetric class, which is the base class for all metrics in EinsteinPy. This class contains several utilities, that are used in einsteinpy.metric to define classes for vacuum solutions. Users are advised to inherit this class, while defining their own metric classes. Two parameters to note are briefly described below:

  • metric_cov: User-supplied function, defining the covariant form of the metric tensor. Users need to supply just this to completely determine the metric tensor, as the contravariant form is calculated and accessed through a predefined method, metric_contravariant().

  • perturbation: User-supplied function, defining a perturbation to the metric. Currently, no checks are performed to ascertain the physicality of the resulting perturbed metric. Read the documentation on metric_covariant() below, to learn more.

Also, note that, users should call metric_covariant to access the perturbed, covariant form of the metric. For unperturbed underlying metric, users should call metric_cov, which returns the metric, that they had supplied.

class einsteinpy.metric.base_metric.BaseMetric(coords, M, a=<Quantity 0.>, Q=<Quantity 0. C>, name='Base Metric', metric_cov=None, christoffels=None, f_vec=None, perturbation=None)[source]

Bases: object

For defining a general Metric


  • coords (*) – Coordinate system, in which Metric is to be represented

  • M (Quantity) – Mass of gravitating body, e.g. Black Hole

  • a (Quantity) – Dimensionless Spin Parameter Defaults to 0

  • Q (Quantity) – Charge on gravitating body, e.g. Black Hole Defaults to 0 C

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the Metric Tensor. Defaults to "Base Metric"

  • metric_cov (callable, optional) – Function, defining Covariant Metric Tensor It should return a real-valued tensor (2D Array), at supplied coordinates Defaults to None Consult pre-defined classes for function definition

  • christoffels (callable, optional) – Function, defining Christoffel Symbols It should return a real-valued (4,4,4) array, at supplied coordinates Defaults to None Consult pre-defined classes for function definition

  • f_vec (callable, optional) – Function, defining RHS of Geodesic Equation It should return a real-valued (8) vector, at supplied coordinates Defaults to None Consult pre-defined classes for function definition

  • perturbation (callable, optional) – Function, defining Covariant Perturbation Tensor It should return a real-valued tensor (2D Array), at supplied coordinates Defaults to None Function definition similar to metric_cov

static sigma(r, theta, M, a)[source]

Returns the value of r**2 + alpha**2 * cos(theta)**2 Specific to Boyer-Lindquist coordinates Applies to Kerr Geometry


The value of r**2 + alpha**2 * cos(theta)**2

Return type


static delta(r, M, a, Q=0)[source]

Returns the value of r**2 - r_s * r + alpha**2 + r_Q**2 Specific to Boyer-Lindquist coordinates Applies to Kerr & Kerr-Newman Geometries


The value of r**2 - r_s * r + alpha**2 + r_Q**2

Return type


static rho(r, theta, M, a)[source]

Returns the value of sqrt(r**2 + alpha**2 * cos(theta)**2) == sqrt(sigma) Specific to Boyer-Lindquist coordinates Applies to Kerr-Newman Geometry


The value of sqrt(r**2 + alpha**2 * cos(theta)**2) == sqrt(sigma)

Return type


static schwarzschild_radius(M)[source]

Returns Schwarzschild Radius


M (float or Quantity) – Mass of gravitating body


Schwarzschild Radius for a given mass

Return type


static alpha(M, a)[source]

Returns Rotational Length Parameter (alpha) that is used in the Metric. Following equations are relevant: alpha = J / Mc a = Jc / GM**2 alpha = GMa / c**2 where, ‘a’ is the dimensionless Spin Parameter (0 <= a <= 1)


Rotational Length Parameter

Return type



ValueError – If a is not between 0 and 1


Returns the Singularities of the Metric Depends on the choice of Coordinate Systems Applies to Kerr and Kerr-Newman Geometries


Dictionary of singularities in the geometry { "inner_ergosphere": function(theta), "inner_horizon": float, "outer_horizon": float, "outer_ergosphere": function(theta) }

Return type



CoordinateError – If einsteinpy.metric.* does not have the metric in the coordinate system, the metric object has been instantiated with


Returns Covariant Metric Tensor Adds Kerr-Schild (Linear) Perturbation to metric, if perturbation is defined in Metric object Currently, this does not consider Gauge Fixing or any physical checks for the perturbation matrix. Please exercise caution while using perturbation.


x_vec (array_like) – Position 4-Vector


Covariant Metric Tensor Numpy array of shape (4,4)

Return type



Returns Contravariant Metric Tensor Adds Kerr-Schild (Linear) Perturbation to metric, if perturbation is not None in Metric object Currently, this does not consider Gauge Fixing or any physical checks for the perturbation matrix. Please exercise caution while using perturbation.


x_vec (array_like) – Position 4-Vector


Contravariant Metric Tensor

Return type


calculate_trajectory(start_lambda=0.0, end_lambda=10.0, stop_on_singularity=True, OdeMethodKwargs={'stepsize': 0.001}, return_cartesian=False)[source]

Deprecated in 0.4.0. Please use einsteinpy.Geodesic.

Calculate trajectory in manifold according to geodesic equation