User guide ########## Defining the geometry: :py:class:`~einsteinpy.metric` objects ************************************************************* EinsteinPy provides a way to define the background geometry on which the code would deal with the dynamics. These geometry has a central operating quantity known as metric tensor and encapsulate all the geometrical and topological information about the 4d spacetime in them. * The central quantity required to simulate trajectory of a particle in a gravitational field is christoffel symbols. * EinsteinPy provides an easy to use interface to calculate these symbols. Schwarzschild metric ==================== EinsteinPy provides an easy interface for calculating time-like geodesics in Schwarzschild Geometry. First of all, we import all the relevant modules and classes : .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from einsteinpy.coordinates import SphericalDifferential, CartesianDifferential from einsteinpy.metric import Schwarzschild From position and velocity in Spherical Coordinates --------------------------------------------------- There are several methods available to create :py:class:`~einsteinpy.metric.schwarzschild.Schwarzschild` objects. For example, if we have the position and velocity vectors we can use :py:meth:`~einsteinpy.metric.schwarzschild.Schwarzschild.from_spherical`: .. code-block:: python M = 5.972e24 * sph_coord = SphericalDifferential(306.0 * u.m, np.pi/2 * u.rad, -np.pi/6*u.rad, 0*u.m/u.s, 0*u.rad/u.s, 1900*u.rad/u.s) obj = Schwarzschild.from_coords(sph_coord, M , 0* u.s) From position and velocity in Cartesian Coordinates --------------------------------------------------- For initializing with Cartesian Coordinates, we can use :py:class:`~einsteinpy.metric.schwarzschild.Schwarzschild.from_cartesian`: .. code-block:: python cartsn_coord = CartesianDifferential(.265003774 *, -153.000000e-03 *, 0 *, 145.45557 *, 251.93643748389 *, 0 * obj = Schwarzschild.from_coords(cartsn_coord, M , 0* u.s) Calculating Trajectory/Time-like Geodesics ------------------------------------------ After creating the object we can call :py:class:`~einsteinpy.metric.schwarzschild.Schwarzschild.calculate_trajectory` .. code-block:: python end_tau = 0.01 # approximately equal to coordinate time stepsize = 0.3e-6 ans = obj.calculate_trajectory(end_lambda=end_tau, OdeMethodKwargs={"stepsize":stepsize}) print(ans) .. code-block:: python (array([0.00000000e+00, 2.40000000e-07, 2.64000000e-06, ..., 9.99367909e-03, 9.99607909e-03, 9.99847909e-03]), array([[ 0.00000000e+00, 3.06000000e+02, 1.57079633e+00, ..., 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 9.50690000e+02], [ 2.39996635e-07, 3.05999885e+02, 1.57079633e+00, ..., -9.55164950e+02, 1.32822112e-17, 9.50690712e+02], [ 2.63996298e-06, 3.05986131e+02, 1.57079633e+00, ..., -1.05071184e+04, 1.46121838e-16, 9.50776184e+02], ..., [ 9.99381048e-03, 3.05156192e+02, 1.57079633e+00, ..., 8.30642520e+04, -1.99760372e-12, 9.55955926e+02], [ 9.99621044e-03, 3.05344028e+02, 1.57079633e+00, ..., 7.34673728e+04, -2.01494258e-12, 9.54780155e+02], [ 9.99861041e-03, 3.05508844e+02, 1.57079633e+00, ..., 6.38811856e+04, -2.03252073e-12, 9.53750261e+02]])) Return value can be obtained in Cartesian Coordinates by : .. code-block:: python ans = obj.calculate_trajectory(end_lambda=end_tau, OdeMethodKwargs={"stepsize":stepsize}, return_cartesian=True) Bodies Module: :py:class:`~einsteinpy.bodies` ********************************************* EinsteinPy has a module to define the attractor and revolving bodies, using which plotting and geodesic calculation becomes much easier. Importing all the relevant modules and classes : .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from einsteinpy.coordinates import BoyerLindquistDifferential from einsteinpy.metric import Kerr from einsteinpy.bodies import Body from einsteinpy.geodesic import Geodesic Defining various astronomical bodies : .. code-block:: python spin_factor = 0.3 * u.m Attractor = Body(name="BH", mass = 1.989e30 *, a = spin_factor) BL_obj = BoyerLindquistDifferential(50e5 *, np.pi / 2 * u.rad, np.pi * u.rad, 0 * / u.s, 0 * u.rad / u.s, 0 * u.rad / u.s, spin_factor) Particle = Body(differential = BL_obj, parent = Attractor) geodesic = Geodesic(body = Particle, end_lambda = ((1 * u.year).to(u.s)).value / 930, step_size = ((0.02 * u.min).to(u.s)).value, metric=Kerr) geodesic.trajectory # get the values of the trajectory Plotting the trajectory : .. code-block:: python from einsteinpy.plotting import ScatterGeodesicPlotter obj = ScatterGeodesicPlotter() obj.plot(geodesic) Utilities: :py:class:`~einsteinpy.utils` **************************************** EinsteinPy provides a great set of utility functions which are frequently used in general and numerical relativity. * Conversion of Coordinates (both position & velocity) * Cartesian/Spherical * Cartesian/Boyer-Lindquist * Symbolic calculation of relevant terms in GR * Christoffel Symbols * Riemann Curvature Tensor * Calculation of Schwarzschild Geometry related quantities * Schwarzschild Radius * Rate of change of coordinate time w.r.t. proper time Coordinate Conversion ===================== In a short example, we would see coordinate conversion between Cartesian and Boyer-Lindquist Coordinates. Using the functions: * :py:class:`~einsteinpy.coordinates.BoyerLindquistDifferential.to_cartesian` * :py:class:`~einsteinpy.coordinates.CartesianDifferential.to_bl` .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from einsteinpy.coordinates import BoyerLindquistDifferential, CartesianDifferential, Cartesian, BoyerLindquist a = 0.5 * pos_vec = Cartesian(.265003774 *, -153.000000e-03 *, 0 * bl_pos = pos_vec.to_bl(a) print(bl_pos) cartsn_pos = bl_pos.to_cartesian(a) print(cartsn_pos) pos_vel_coord = CartesianDifferential(.265003774 *, -153.000000e-03 *, 0 *, 145.45557 *, 251.93643748389 *, 0 * bl_coord = pos_vel_coord.bl_differential(a) bl_coord = bl_coord.si_values() bl_vel = bl_coord[3:] print(bl_vel) cartsn_coord = bl_coord.cartesian_differential(a) cartsn_coord = cartsn_coord.si_values() cartsn_vel = cartsn_coord[3:] print(cartsn_vel) .. code-block:: python [ 200. -100. 20.5] [224.54398697 1.47937288 -0.46364761] Symbolic Calculations ===================== EinsteinPy also supports smbolic calculations in :py:class:`~einsteinpy.utils.christoffel` .. code-block:: python import sympy from einsteinpy.symbolic import SchwarzschildMetric, ChristoffelSymbols m = SchwarzschildMetric() ch = ChristoffelSymbols.from_metric(m) print(ch[1,2,:]) .. code-block:: python [0, 0, -r*(-a/r + 1), 0] Future Plans ============ * Support for null-geodesics in different geometries * Ultimate goal is providing numerical solutions for Einstein's equations for arbitarily complex matter distribution. * Relativistic hydrodynamics