Ricci Tensor Module

This module contains the class for obtaining Ricci Tensor related to a Metric belonging to any arbitrary space-time symbolically:

class einsteinpy.symbolic.ricci.RicciTensor(arr, syms, config='ll', parent_metric=None)

Class for defining Ricci Tensor

Constructor and Initializer

  • arr (ImmutableDenseNDimArray or list) – Sympy Array or multi-dimensional list containing Sympy Expressions

  • syms (tuple or list) – Tuple of crucial symbols dentoting time-axis, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd axis (t,x1,x2,x3)

  • config (str) – Configuration of contravariant and covariant indices in tensor. ‘u’ for upper and ‘l’ for lower indices. Defaults to ‘ll’.

  • TypeError – Raised when arr is not a list or sympy Array

  • TypeError – syms is not a list or tuple

  • ValueError – config has more or less than 2 indices

classmethod from_riemann(riemann)

Get Ricci Tensor calculated from Riemann Tensor


riemann (RiemannCurvatureTensor) – Riemann Tensor

classmethod from_christoffels(chris)

Get Ricci Tensor calculated from Christoffel Tensor


chris (ChristoffelSymbols) – Christoffel Tensor

classmethod from_metric(metric)

Get Ricci Tensor calculated from Metric Tensor


metric (MetricTensor) – Metric Tensor


Returns the symbols used for defining the time & spacial axis


tuple containing (x1,x2)

Return type
