EinsteinPy API ============== Welcome to the API documenatation of EinsteinPy. Please navigate through the given modules to get to know the API of the classes and methods. If you find anything missing, please open an `issue in the repo`_ . .. _`issue in the repo` : https://github.com/einsteinpy/einsteinpy .. graphviz:: digraph { "einsteinpy" -> "integrators", "metric", "utils", "plotting", "constant", "units", "coordinates", "geodesic", "bodies", "hypersurface", "symbolic", "rays" } .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 integrators/integrators_index metric/metric_index symbolic/symbolic_index hypersurface/hypersurface_index rays/rays_index utils/utils_index plotting/plotting_index coordinates/coordinates_index constant units bodies geodesic