User guide ########## Defining the geometry: :py:class:`~einsteinpy.metric` objects ************************************************************* EinsteinPy provides a way to define the background geometry, on which the code would deal with the relativistic dynamics. This geometry has a central operating quantity, known as the Metric Tensor, that encapsulates all the geometrical and topological information about the 4D spacetime. * EinsteinPy provides a :py:class:`~einsteinpy.metric.BaseMetric` class, that has various utility functions and a proper template, that can be used to define custom Metric classes. All pre-defined classes in :py:class:`~einsteinpy.metric` derive from this class. * The central quantity required to simulate trajectory of a particle in a gravitational field are the metric derivatives, that can be succinctly written using Christoffel Symbols. * EinsteinPy provides an easy to use interface to calculate these symbols. * BaseMetric also provides support for ``f_vec`` and ``perturbation``, where ``f_vec`` corresponds to the RHS of the geodesic equation and ``perturbation`` is a linear Kerr-Schild Perturbation, that can be defined on the underlying metric. * Note that, EinsteinPy does not perform physical checks on ``perturbation`` currently, and so, users should exercise caution while using it. We provide an example below, showing how to calculate Time-like Geodesics in Schwarzschild spacetime. Schwarzschild Metric ==================== EinsteinPy provides an intuitive interface for calculating time-like geodesics in Schwarzschild spacetime. First of all, we import all the relevant modules and classes: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from einsteinpy.coordinates.utils import four_position, stacked_vec from einsteinpy.geodesic import Geodesic from einsteinpy.metric import Schwarzschild Defining initial parameters and our Metric Object ------------------------------------------------- Now, we define the initial parameters, that specify the Schwarzschild metric and our test particle. .. code-block:: python M = 6e24 # Mass t = 0. # Coordinate Time (has no effect in this case, as Schwarzschild metric is static) x_vec = np.array([130.0, np.pi / 2, -np.pi / 8]) # 3-Position of test particle v_vec = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1900.0]) # 3-Velocity of test particle ms_cov = Schwarzschild(M=M) # Schwarzschild Metric Object x_4vec = four_position(t, x_vec) # Getting Position 4-Vector ms_cov_mat = ms_cov.metric_covariant(x_4vec) # Calculating Schwarzschild Metric at x_4vec init_vec = stacked_vec(ms_cov_mat, t, x_vec, v_vec, time_like=True) # Contains 4-Pos and 4-Vel Calculating Trajectory/Time-like Geodesic ----------------------------------------- After creating the metric object and the initial vector, we can use :py:class:`~einsteinpy.geodesic.Geodesic` to create a Geodesic object, that automatically calculates the trajectory. .. code-block:: python # Calculating Geodesic geod = Geodesic(metric=ms_cov, init_vec=init_vec, end_lambda=0.002, step_size=5e-8) # Getting a descriptive summary on geod print(geod) .. code-block:: python Geodesic Object: Metric = (( Name: (Schwarzschild Metric), Coordinates: (S), Mass: (6e+24), Spin parameter: (0), Charge: (0), Schwarzschild Radius: (0.008911392322942397) )), Initial Vector = ([ 0.00000000e+00 1.30000000e+02 1.57079633e+00 -3.92699082e-01 1.00003462e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.90000000e+03]), Trajectory = ([[ 0.00000000e+00 1.20104339e+02 -4.97488462e+01 ... 9.45228078e+04 2.28198245e+05 0.00000000e+00] [ 4.00013846e-08 1.20108103e+02 -4.97397110e+01 ... 9.36471118e+04 2.28560931e+05 -5.80379473e-14] [ 4.40015231e-07 1.20143810e+02 -4.96475618e+01 ... 8.48885265e+04 2.32184177e+05 -6.38424865e-13] ... [ 1.99928576e-03 1.29695466e+02 -6.52793459e-01 ... 1.20900076e+05 2.46971585e+05 -1.86135457e-10] [ 1.99968577e-03 1.29741922e+02 -5.53995726e-01 ... 1.11380963e+05 2.47015864e+05 -1.74024168e-10] [ 2.00008578e-03 1.29784572e+02 -4.55181739e-01 ... 1.01868292e+05 2.47052855e+05 -1.61922169e-10]]) Bodies Module: :py:class:`~einsteinpy.bodies` ********************************************* EinsteinPy has a module to define the attractor and revolving bodies, using which plotting and geodesic calculation becomes much easier. Importing all the relevant modules and classes : .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from einsteinpy.coordinates import BoyerLindquistDifferential from einsteinpy.metric import Kerr from einsteinpy.bodies import Body from einsteinpy.geodesic import Geodesic Defining various astronomical bodies : .. code-block:: python spin_factor = 0.3 * u.m Attractor = Body(name="BH", mass = 1.989e30 *, a = spin_factor) BL_obj = BoyerLindquistDifferential(50e5 *, np.pi / 2 * u.rad, np.pi * u.rad, 0 * / u.s, 0 * u.rad / u.s, 0 * u.rad / u.s, spin_factor) Particle = Body(differential = BL_obj, parent = Attractor) geodesic = Geodesic(body = Particle, end_lambda = ((1 * u.year).to(u.s)).value / 930, step_size = ((0.02 * u.min).to(u.s)).value, metric=Kerr) geodesic.trajectory # get the values of the trajectory Plotting the trajectory : .. code-block:: python from einsteinpy.plotting import GeodesicPlotter obj = GeodesicPlotter() obj.plot(geodesic) Utilities: :py:class:`~einsteinpy.utils` **************************************** EinsteinPy provides a great set of utility functions which are frequently used in general and numerical relativity. * Conversion of Coordinates (both position & velocity) * Cartesian/Spherical * Cartesian/Boyer-Lindquist * Calculation of Schwarzschild Geometry related quantities * Schwarzschild Radius * Rate of change of coordinate time w.r.t. proper time Coordinate Conversion ===================== In a short example, we would see coordinate conversion between Cartesian and Boyer-Lindquist Coordinates. Using the functions: * :py:class:`~einsteinpy.coordinates.BoyerLindquistDifferential.to_cartesian` * :py:class:`~einsteinpy.coordinates.CartesianDifferential.to_bl` .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from einsteinpy.coordinates import BoyerLindquistDifferential, CartesianDifferential, Cartesian, BoyerLindquist a = 0.5 * pos_vec = Cartesian(.265003774 *, -153.000000e-03 *, 0 * bl_pos = pos_vec.to_bl(a) print(bl_pos) cartsn_pos = bl_pos.to_cartesian(a) print(cartsn_pos) pos_vel_coord = CartesianDifferential(.265003774 *, -153.000000e-03 *, 0 *, 145.45557 *, 251.93643748389 *, 0 * bl_coord = pos_vel_coord.bl_differential(a) bl_coord = bl_coord.si_values() bl_vel = bl_coord[3:] print(bl_vel) cartsn_coord = bl_coord.cartesian_differential(a) cartsn_coord = cartsn_coord.si_values() cartsn_vel = cartsn_coord[3:] print(cartsn_vel) .. code-block:: python [ 200. -100. 20.5] [224.54398697 1.47937288 -0.46364761] Symbolic Calculations ===================== EinsteinPy also supports symbolic calculations in :py:class:`~einsteinpy.symbolic` .. code-block:: python import sympy from einsteinpy.symbolic import SchwarzschildMetric, ChristoffelSymbols m = SchwarzschildMetric() ch = ChristoffelSymbols.from_metric(m) print(ch[1,2,:]) .. code-block:: python [0, 0, -r*(-a/r + 1), 0] .. code-block:: python import sympy from einsteinpy.symbolic import SchwarzschildMetric, EinsteinTensor m = SchwarzschildMetric() G1 = EinsteinTensor.from_metric(m) print(G1.arr) .. code-block:: python [[a*c**2*(-a + r)/r**4 + a*c**2*(a - r)/r**4, 0, 0, 0], [0, a/(r**2*(a - r)) + a/(r**2*(-a + r)), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]] Future Plans ============ * Support for null-geodesics in different geometries * Ultimate goal is providing numerical solutions for Einstein's equations for arbitrarily complex matter distribution. * Relativistic hydrodynamics